搜索"伊" ,找到 285部影视作品
在浪漫壮观、引人遐思的古希腊,奥林匹亚众神与人类之间的爱恨传奇至今为人津津乐道,而在这其中,荷马史诗《伊里亚特》所记录的特洛伊之战更是后世剧作家与观者反复演绎的经典作品。当特洛伊王子帕里斯(奥兰多·布鲁姆 Orlando Bloom 饰)受希腊斯巴达国王之邀赴宴之际,却迷恋上了国王的妻子海伦(黛安·克鲁格 Diane Kruger 饰),对方倾国倾城的容貌让他不能自已,遂将海伦带回自己的国家。此举引发了希腊诸国的愤怒,在迈锡尼国王阿伽门侬(布莱恩·考克斯 Brian Cox 饰)的号召下,一支强大的联军浩浩荡荡向特洛伊挺进。在随后长达十年的战争中,阿喀琉斯(布拉德·皮特 Brad Pitt 饰)、奥德修斯(肖恩·宾 Sean Bean 饰)、赫克托尔(艾瑞克·巴纳 Eric Bana 饰)等英雄各逞英豪,谱写了荡气回肠却又令人扼腕唏嘘的传奇史诗…… 本片荣获2004年青年选择奖最佳男主角奖(Brad Pitt)。
Anthony Wonke
Undoubtedly one of Britain's greatest ever sportsmen, the story of AP's final season is a fascinating mix of sacrifice, doubt, decisions, triumphs and failures, injury and ultimately, finding a way to leave the stage. With unprecedented access to a top athlete, the film tracks all the elements that make up McCoy's life. We see him in action at racecourses across the UK and Ireland. We are with him at the Cheltenham Festival and Aintree. We see him struggling with injury at home, setting himself new targets and grappling with the decision whether to retire or not. We track the successful early part of the season, when AP harbours the outrageous idea of riding 300 winners in a season. We see the shattering effect of injury on body and psyche. We witness the torment of deciding whether this is to be his last season, and we are there as he goes through the public agony of playing out his retirement in public. And then it's no more. Our cast is the team around him; the billionaire owner, ...
“利用尹静怡上尉的大脑数据,创造出终极人工智能战斗战士。” 地球因剧烈的气候变化而遭到破坏,人类迁徙到外太空的新避难所。那里发生的内战持续了数十年,尹静怡(金贤珠饰)成为了一名传奇的雇佣兵和军事战略家,战无不胜。但一次失败的任务使她处于植物人状态。克洛诺伊德研究所是一家军用人工智能开发公司,他们试图通过克隆她的大脑来创造终极战斗战士。 35 年后,静怡的女儿尹书贤(姜受延饰)作为“静 E”项目的首席研究员参与了这项工作。 尽管进行了多次克隆和模拟尝试,但进展甚微,克洛诺伊德放弃了研究,启动了另一个项目。书贤得知他们的计划后,决心拯救“静 E”项目。 就这样,人工智能战斗战士“静 E”从研究实验室逃跑了······
同志Henry接到祖父病重的消息。他决定暂时放下自己在纽约颇成功的事业,回答家乡照料老人,然而,在家乡他又遇见了他,那个让他多年前心碎离开的好友:一个直男,已经离婚,带着两个孩子独自生活。 而这位直男慢慢也开始困惑于自己对好友的感情,到底是友情还是爱情。他尝试从爱情上去接纳他,最终还是失败,毕竟他是个直人。 男主角一直把心思放在直人身上,却不知镇上杂货店的印第安人老板已悄悄地爱上了自己。老板每天费尽心思地为他病重的爷爷调理饮食,却羞涩木讷地不敢向他表白(这小镇的同志还真多)。在本镇那些友善的居民朋友的撮合下,他和老板终于走倒了一起。 故事发生在美丽的蒙大拿山区,风景优美,民风淳朴。
Renato Borrayo Serrano
From the harsh, nomadic life on the tundra to an uncertain future with five children. Four years in the life of a strong and charismatic woman. Life is raw and harsh out in the Arctic tundra, where young Ivanna lives a nomadic life with her five children. A tough and charismatic woman who is put to the test when she has to give up the traditional life of the Nenets people and move to the city. The climate is changing, her reindeers are dying, and her husband, Gena, has turned into an alcoholic because of his job at a gas plant. And even though Ivanna can put both him - and everyone else - in their place with her killer gaze and no-nonsense attitude, she harbours a desire to liberate herself from the violent relationship. Four years in Ivanna’s life have become a formidable film created with an artist’s eye for the material texture of the world where an image of a sleeping child, three fish and a hungry cat almost become a cosmic motif. This is vital, physical film art with an unforgettable woman at its centre. Meanwhile, Ivanna’s letters, which are read aloud by herself, lift her story above the raging of the elements. Director Renato Borrayo Serrano, who was born in Guatemala and lives in Russia, has created a drama about liberation and a melancholy requiem about a bygone way of life.