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Juliette Igier,Stephanie Lebrun
拉菲(纳瓦祖丁·席迪圭 Nawazuddin Siddiqui 饰)是一名摄影师,靠着在旅游景点帮游客们拍照维持生计。拉菲和祖母之间的关系十分的要好,年迈的祖母希望能在死前看到拉菲成家立业,为了安慰祖母,拉菲撒了一个善意的谎言,他找了一张自己所拍的游客的照片给祖母看,谎称照片上的女子是自己的未婚妻。 让拉菲没有想到的是,看了照片兴奋不已的祖母竟然提出要登门拜访,亲眼见一见自己未来的孙媳妇,为了圆谎,拉菲的当务之急就是找到照片中的女子。功夫不负有心人,拉菲总算找到了这个名叫米洛尼(桑亚·玛荷塔 Sanya Malhotra 饰)的女人,他恳请米洛尼和自己演一出戏。
[satyamev jayate」意为“真理战胜一切",这句话写在印度国徽上,是印度的座右铭。宝莱坞电影巨星阿米尔汗历时两年,打造出这一关注社会、贴近民众、深层次揭露社会问题的节目。他采访不同阶层印度人的真实故事,大胆曝光印度社会种种弊病,力图以残酷真相打动和唤醒大众,进 而努力改变现状、治愈丑陋伤疤。 Episode 1: Fighting Rape 对抗强暴 The first episode of Satyamev Jayate Season 2, telecast on March 2, 2014, dealt with the issue of rape and underlined several systemic factors that act as roadblocks on the path to justice for survivors. The Vote for Change campaign for this episode centred around three focal points: The setting up of One-Stop Crisis Centres in every district of India as per the guidelines recommended by the Justice Usha Mehra Commission. The creation of Vulnerable Witness Deposition Courtrooms across the country. A gender-sensitive, scientific and humane protocol for the medical examination of survivors of rape, to be uniformly implemented across the country. Episode 2: Police 警察 On March 9, 2014, the second episode was telecast and it dealt with the need for reforms in the police. In 21st century India, the system of policing is still by and large within the framework of the 1861 Police Act introduced during the colonial British Raj. The police continues to be a ruler’s police rather than a people’s police. The Vote for Change campaign for this episode urged citizens to support the demand that the 2006 judgment of the Supreme Court in the case filed by former DGP, UP, Shri Prakash Singh be implemented and a people-friendly police force be created. Episode 3: Don’t Waste Your Garbage 不要看浪费你的垃圾 The third episode of Satyamev Jayate, telecast on March 16, 2014, dealt with one of the most shameful problems persisting in our cities and towns, viz: garbage and the scandalous state of solid waste management. The Vote for Change campaign for this episode called upon people to support the demand that incinerator technology for burning waste be opposed and that state governments and union territories work towards implementing the Municipal Solid Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 2000. Episode 4: Kings Every Day 我自君王,每日 Telecast on March 23, 2014, the fourth episode dealt with the need for strengthening grassroots democracy and in particular, highlighted important measures to help fight corruption and increase public participation in governance. The Vote for Change campaign for this episode urged citizens to lend their support to the demand for social audits of the government’s expenditure on social welfare, and the passing of the Public Services Grievances Bill which will help ensure that essential services are delivered in a time-bound manner to citizens. Episode 5: Criminalization of Politics 政策犯罪 Satyamev Jayate’s fifth episode, telecast on March 30 2014, dealt with the rampant criminalization of politics in our country. The Vote for Change campaign for this episode called upon people to support the demand that the proposal of the Election Commission to debar candidates with serious criminal charges (with appropriate safeguards) is brought into effect and such candidates are not allowed to contest elections. Just came out of my meeting with Honorable Prime Minister of India Shree Narendra Modiji. Was very kind of him to spare his valuable time. — Aamir Khan (@aamir_khan) June 23, 2014 Shared with him the overwhelming support that we got from people across the country through Vote for Change Campaign... — Aamir Khan (@aamir_khan) June 23, 2014 ..on SMJ on the various issues that we tackled in our show. He has assured me that he will look into all the matters pic.twitter.com/AI7e8cX9Bn — Aamir Khan (@aamir_khan) June 23, 2014 http://www.satyamevjayate.in/petitions-reach-topm.aspx
我演电影时,在不同的角色中,体验过不同的人生。还有另一种人生,就是我自己的人生:卸去演员的身份,作为一个人,以我的方式存在。生活中,思绪如风般吹拂着我的脑海。我读报纸、看新闻、与朋友闲聊、和陌生人交谈,总有一些事触动我的心弦。 一方面,印度在崛起,蒸蒸日上,作为一个印度人,我感到高兴和自豪。但是,在社会中还有很多令人心酸的事实,我们却对此熟视无睹。这些苦难,却让我深感不安,感到哀伤。有时我会想,干嘛要去思考这些与我无关的事情呢?我的生活幸福美满,别人的苦难与我何干呢?但是它确有干系。因为我也是这个社会中的一份子。一连串的事情把你我和社会的每一个人都联系在一起,一呼一吸中,体会心中的共鸣。 如果甘地、提拉克、鲍斯、尼赫鲁、智者阿扎德仍然在世,我们有何颜面去面对他们。我们的先人怀抱梦想,为自由而奋斗,就是为了建立一个像现在这样的印度吗?所以,我在这里,希望听到、学到些什么,希望和你们有所交流,发现问题的根源,看到事情的真相。 我想讨论一些关系印度民生的话题,不责难任何人,不中伤任何人,也不制约任何人。人人都说,伤害我们的人近在咫尺,或许我们都有责任。现在,与我一起踏上这段旅程吧。一起去寻找、去发现、去学习、去分享,一起去揭开这些难题的谜底。 我无心激化矛盾,只为能改变这个时代。无论是谁的心中,只要有星星之火,必将成燎原之势。(印坛字幕组翻译) 5月06日 第一集 Female Foeticide (主题:印度妇女被迫堕胎) 5月13日 第二集 Child Sexual Abuse (主题:儿童性骚扰) 5月20日 第三集 Big Fat Indian Wedding (主题:巨额的嫁妆) 5月27日 第四集 Every Life Is Precious (主题:医疗失当) 6月03日 第五集 Intolerance To Love (主题:自由恋爱与包办婚姻) 6月10日 第六集 Persons With Disabilities (主题:残障人士) 6月17日 第七集 Domestic Violence (主题:家庭暴力) 6月24日 第八集 Toxic Food (主题:害人的农药) 7月01日 第九集 Alcohol Abuse (主题:酒精毁人生) 7月08日 第十集 Untouchability (主题:种姓制度) 7月15日 第十一集 Old Age (主题:尊重长者) 7月22日 第十二集 Water (主题:水资源) 7月29日 第十三集 The Idea of India (主题:印度的梦想) 制作人:阿米尔汗夫妇 阿米尔汗的第一次电视脱口秀节目《真理访谈》。2012年5月6开始,每周日Stra Plus播出。 Ep01:残杀女婴 2012年5月6日 女孩很珍贵:残杀女婴。从出生前开始大规模残杀女孩已经导致了严重印度人口性别失衡和其他一系列社会问题…… E p02:儿童性侵害 2012年5月13日 打破沉默:高达53%的孩子,也就是两人中就有一人是性侵害的受害人。施暴者的往往是备受信赖的人,而作案地点就在家中。家长务必警惕和关注孩子的各种求助信号,同时,我们也需要强有力的完善的保护儿童免受性侵害的法律。【广告时间:更多华语世界资讯,敬请关注萧芳芳护苗基金会http://www.ecsaf.org】 Ep03:盛大的印度婚礼 2012年5月20日 很多人都期待一个奢华的婚礼,但是印度的现状是,昂贵的婚礼仪式和沉重的嫁妆负担不仅导致新人生活悲惨,也破坏了父母的家庭。婚礼的概念已经变成一种交易,完全不在乎人或者家庭关系的价值。这是可以改变的,只要女方和他的家人对于嫁妆说不,坚持简单的婚礼仪式,恢复婚姻纽带的神圣性。 本期阿米尔提出的短信问题是,”你认为我国今天的婚事是否已成为商业交易?“ Ep04:医疗制度需要治疗否? 2012年5月27日 人民相信医疗从业人员,相信他们有足够的知识和设备做我们的健康卫士。但是,如果这知识被邪恶利用,那么医疗就成为了噩梦。尽管现在医生队伍中充满了唯利是图者,很多医院也只想着利用病人来赚钱,还有有很多遵从希波克拉底誓言的医生,他们在捍卫这个神圣的职业。 Ep05:Is Love a Crime? - 3rd June 2012 The simple act offalling in love opens up a world of emotions and reactions which sometimes culminate in crime -- the death of the couple. Even if they escape death, lovers who go against religious and community barriers still have to face harassment and censure from society and, due to this pressure, rejection from their families. Ep06:Persons with Disabilities - We Can Fly! People with disabilities have the same zeal and appreciation for life as the rest of us do. But they often get shunned, doubted, mocked and insulted. Access to public places and buildings is restricted and doors are closed for schooling and employment. India does not appear to be mature enough and understanding enough to recognise people with disabilities for what they are -- people. Ep07:Domestic Violence -- Danger At Home For countless women, entering married life often means the beginning of a stressful, violent existence. Beating one's wife seems to be ingrained in many men's mindsets as the appropriate behaviour for a strong male, but the consequences are misery for the wife and children, and often a broken, unhappy home. The concept of domestic violence is based on the notion of patriarchy, which needs to be converted into equality. Ep08:Toxic Food - Poison On Our Plate? For decades our food and water have been contaminated by powerful, harmful pesticides which have been promoted as necessary for better agricultural output. But the reality is that we don't need pesticides for better yield, and their use is not only deadly for health but results in expensive farming methods. The solution is to adopt organic farming, which is possible and profitable, as the state of Sikkim has shown. Ep09:Alcohol Abuse - Think Before You Drink Alcohol consumption is associated with having fun and enjoying life. But excessive, irresponsible drinking takes away that very life itself. Many alcohol addicts have climbed back to normal life, proving that it is possible to live happily without alcohol. Help for alcoholics is available, free, at Alcoholics Anonymous. Ep10:Untouchability - Dignity for All For a country which has been independent for 65 years, it is a matter of shame that we have not yet shaken off the tyranny of caste-based discrimination. Countless people have to live in degrading conditions, children are unable to go to school, employment avenues are closed, and even education does not open bigoted minds. Ep11:Old Age -- Sunset Years, Sunshine Life Our parents are the ones who have brought us up and made us what we are. At least out of consideration for that much, we should be good and kind towards them. But countless people all over India don't think so, going by the numbers of abandoned old people taken in at old age homes. Then there are some older people who take matters into their own hands -- be it romance or adventure sport.
Although sumo is a cherished part of Japanese culture, few have managed to get a behind-the-scenes look at the sport. Director Eiji SAKATA had the opportunity to spend six months in close contact with two sumo stables. In the process, he managed to capture fascinating footage of the rigorous training sessions and daily life of the wrestlers.
德里的空气浑浊而具毒性,常令麻鹰从空中下坠,撞向建筑物而受伤。Nadeem 与 Saud 是一对穆斯林兄弟,两人在狭小的地下室内为麻鹰疗伤。两人首次发现麻鹰受伤时,将牠带往鸟类医院,可是院方却拒绝为“非素食”鸟类治疗。两人因接受健美训练而有一点解剖学知识,于是用来治疗麻 鹰,并治好了超过 20,000 只麻鹰。 印度近年一面倒倾向宗教多数主义。去年政府推出的国籍法,侵犯 1.82 亿穆斯林的权利。抗议声音席卷全国。两兄弟一面照料麻鹰,但又想参加抗议活动,为此颇感犹疑。街头抗议进行两个月后,突然变血腥暴行。暴民在德里杀了 50 多人,大多是穆斯林。两兄弟晚上在四邻巡逻,担心暴民前来生事。这个人类与麻鹰的故事,讲出世上最危险的城市不为人知的生活面貌。
沃尔特(布鲁斯·威利斯 Bruce Willis 饰)是一个将所有精力都投注到了工作上去的工作狂,因此感情生活一直都是一片空白。某日,上司派遣沃尔特去参加一位重要客户举办的宴会,因此沃尔特开始焦急的寻找一个能够作为女伴陪同他出席宴会的女性。沃尔特的弟弟泰德(菲尔·哈特曼 Phil Hartman 饰)将自己的小姨子纳蒂亚(金·贝辛格 Kim Basinger 饰)介绍给了沃尔特,实际上,泰德希望能够撮合沃尔特和纳蒂亚的这段姻缘。 纳蒂亚什么都好,就是酒品不好,因此,泰德对沃尔特千叮咛万嘱咐,让沃尔特一定好好看着纳蒂亚,别让她喝多,可是意外还是发生了,喝醉的了纳蒂亚在宴会上闹出了一堆的笑话。
毕业于东京大学法律系的警部杉下右京(水谷丰 饰)是一位有着缜密观察力和推理能力的精英警员,他举止得当,兴趣高雅,但是似乎却不善于处理职场——特别是警察部队这个群体内的人际关系,以致于被安排在“紧急事态特命组”这个尴尬的冷宫部门。不过杉下似乎并不介怀,他在特命系安之若素,同时不失时机抓住每一次办案的良机,追查凶手。这一次他迎来了新的搭档,前搜查一课刑警龟山薰(寺胁康文 饰)。此前龟山因被歹徒劫为人质丢了本部门的颜面,因此被贬入特命系。一个是头脑敏捷的冷静绅士,一个是四肢发达热血冲动的莽撞汉。 格格不入的二人并未如高层预料的那样快速拆伙,而是组成了互相信赖互相弥补的搭档,开启了属于特命系的“相棒”生涯……
《相棒 第二季》是2003年在朝日电视台播出的电视剧。 杉下右京由于由于过度精明的头脑而在团体中显得格格不入,过去虽是在搜查二科立下无数功勋的干练刑警,但如同福尔摩斯般的古怪个性却使得他被贬到有“警视厅陆上孤岛”制成的生活安全部特别任命科。尽管如此,他依然无动于衷,整日只是埋首于破解诸多疑难案件。他查案的最大武器便是超群的推理功力!隐藏于眼镜底下的冷静双眸总是能够瞬间看透案件背后的真相。唯一担任他这种人左右手的,就是龟山薰巡查部长,他则是个老实又空有体力的热血男儿。 继上一季特命组解散之后之后,龟山调去了负责监考,课长则去英国休假。(百度百科)